How Can Having a Tanned Skin Affect the Laser Hair Removal Results?

Laser hair removal is known as the finest ways of getting rid of unwanted hair from the body. However, as you consult professionals for the treatment, you should be aware if you are eligible for the same or not. One of the factors of eligibility that affects the laser hair removal Agra is tanned skin. Not only should the settings be adjusted of the laser device but the after-care turns out to be different as well. How does laser hair removal work according to skin types? A laser device works differently when used on various skin types. Typically, very pale skin type don’t develop a tan, but the medium skin tone develop one quite easily, as they contain a lot of melanin that changes after prolonged exposure to the sun. Professionals use different types of lasers to work on various skin tones to get the best results. According to the Fitzpatrick scale, the classification of skin types is: Very Fair Fair Medium Olive Brown Dark Brown An Nd: YAG las...